On 21 January 1623 the establishment of an English Province of the Society of Jesus was approved by Superior General Vitelleschi SJ. To celebrate the 400th anniversary of the now British Province in 2023, Jesuit Collections has launched a virtual timeline showcasing the history of the Jesuits in England, Scotland, and Wales over the past four centuries. Discover the remarkable history of British Jesuits from their earliest arrival in Protestant England, facing persecution and martyrdom, to their flourishing expansion establishing schools and parishes throughout Britain in the 19th century and beyond.
The timeline provides an outline of the Province’s development, allowing the Jesuits’ history to be seen as part of the larger national and international religious, political and social history, while also giving context to individual Jesuit Works.
A selection of records, books, and artefacts in the care of the British Jesuit Archives, Campion Hall and Stonyhurst College Collections illustrate the Province's story.